Teleporter Bump

Lucas was bumped into a teleporter! He was teleported to Nether! Will he ever get back home?

Teleporter Bump
Teleporter Bumping

Lucas was bumped into a teleporter!

Lucas 2 in Nether

He was teleported to the Nether!

About the Nether:

The Nether is a hot place where it's dangerous with lots of fire and lava. It has a lot of interesting biomes:

Here are the characters that appear in Nether:


You'll find a lot more in Nether. Just install Minecraft in your video game.

Running in Nether

He started looking for another teleporter to go home.

Ender Portal

Finally, he found one! But, he didn't know that that teleporter would take him to Ender.


It took him to Ender.

About the Ender:

The Ender is a place full of floating islands. However, there are 2 meanies in the Ender: The Ender Dragon and The Enderman. Here are the photos of those meanies:

You'll find a lot more in Ender. Just install Minecraft in your video game.

Killing the Ender Dragon

But, OH NO! THERE is the Ender Dragon. He quickly killed it.

Poof! Here he dies! Yay!!! WE DID IT!

Nether Portal

While he was doing all that, Tou Tou was at home washing the dishes. He looked back and looked for Lucas.

Wash Dish

He looked at all the rooms and Lucas was not anywhere to be seen. Suddenly he thought: "Is Lucas teleported AGAIN? OH. MY. GOSH"

Finding Person

So he went to the Teleporter Library and went to the Nether Teleporter and then saw Lucas's footprints to the Ender Portal. Tou Tou put the top of his body through the Ender Portal. He called on Lucas to come near him and follow.

Forest View Elementary - Library
Forest View Elementary - Library

Tou Tou pulls Lucas back into Nether and then back into the exit portal to go home.

Tou Tou was mad at Lucas for going without Tou Tou but proud that he saved the Ender.

Angry or Mad?

The End.